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Sentence Starters and Writing Frames

Sentence starters and writing frames are essential tools in both classroom and homeschool settings, designed to support students who may struggle with language acquisition or the organizational aspects of writing. These strategies are especially useful for scaffolding the writing process, offering a structural backbone from which students can expand their ideas with greater confidence and clarity.

Understanding Sentence Starters and Writing Frames

Sentence Starters are specific phrases or the beginnings of sentences that help students get started in their writing. These are particularly useful for initiating thought when a student faces the daunting blank page. For instance, instead of being told to “write about your summer,” a student might be given the starter “My summer began with…” This approach lowers the barrier for entry into the task, making it seem more approachable.

Writing Frames, on the other hand, provide a more detailed scaffold that outlines the structure of a paragraph or essay. These frames might include transitional phrases and key sentence prompts that map out the order and type of content that should be included in each part of the writing. For example, in a persuasive essay, a frame might include: Introduction (with a hook), Point 1 with evidence, Point 2 with evidence, Counterargument with rebuttal, and Conclusion.

Adapting the Strategy for Different Settings

In a classroom setting, teachers can implement these tools by first modeling how to use them. This can be done through interactive writing sessions where the teacher writes with the class, demonstrating the thought process behind each step. Posters or handouts with lists of sentence starters and writing frames can be provided for reference. During writing assignments, these tools help maintain a structured environment where students can consult with peers or the teacher if they need further guidance.

For homeschooling, parents can tailor these strategies to fit their child’s specific needs. Homeschool environments often allow for greater flexibility and personalization. Parents can create custom sentence starters and writing frames that align with their child’s interests or areas of difficulty. Additionally, homeschool settings provide the unique opportunity to immediately apply these tools across different subjects and activities throughout the day, reinforcing their usage and effectiveness.

Benefits and Considerations

Using sentence starters and writing frames not only helps students begin their writing tasks but also teaches them the vital skills of structuring arguments and organizing thoughts. This method encourages logical thinking and clear communication, which are invaluable across all areas of study and communication.

However, it’s important for educators and parents to gradually wean students off heavy reliance on these tools to ensure they develop the ability to organize and express their thoughts independently. The goal is to use these aids as training wheels, providing support until they are no longer necessary.


Sentence starters and writing frames are transformative in guiding students through the complexities of writing. Whether in a bustling classroom or a one-on-one homeschool environment, these tools adapt to meet the diverse needs of students. By integrating these strategies into regular teaching practices, educators and parents can provide a robust foundation that supports the development of proficient, confident writers.